As prisoner of war (POW) in 1942 in Yol (India) he wrote the theoretical text “Quarta dimensione – Dinamismo Plastico” (Fourth dimension – Plastic Dynamism). An expanded version is published in 1973. 

“Boccioni made a distinction between the absolute motion (the intrinsic movement of the object) and the relative motion (the movement of the object in relation to the motion of other objects that interfere). Many years later, Marinetti, on the occasion of the presentation of the Aeropittura’s manifesto, following the same concept of the relative motion expressed by Boccioni, hypothesized a relationship between the aerial and terrestrial motion. To me, it seems that, by assimilating the notion of Einstein’s general relativity, it is possible to give substance to the relationship between universal dynamism and the fourth dimension. The “concrete” time of the observation appears as an angle (which I call 4-dimensional) that starts from the eye and expands into the picture within a space of time that is the duration of the observation.”

(Enzo Benedetto, Futurismo-Oggi, 1.4, 1988)